Football Focus Asia has over 15 years experience sending corporate clients and competition winners overseas to watch various different sporting events.
We can organise customised trips depending on your objectives: every year we send hundreds of fans from Asia to watch the English Premier League live in the UK whilst we have organised corporate trips for business groups to the English Premier League, Spanish La Liga, World Cups, European Championships, the Olympics, PGA Golf tournaments, Formula One and more.
Apart from being part of a moment in sporting history, trips such as these help cement relationships, build bonds and can act as a thank you for employee’s hard work. Events like these people remember for the rest of their lives.
We can organise a cost effective package for your clients/customers to Wembley, Nou Camp or Old Trafford. Let us know your requirements and we will take care of everything for you; flights, transport, hotels and of course your stadium tickets. Availability of tickets may vary, but even when an event is ‘sold out’ we can still gain access.
In addition to these packages we can also provide extra services such as the chance to meet a famous player while watching the match.
We have organised hundreds of trip for satisfied customers, but recent examples include sending winners for Coca Cola to the World Cup in 2014 and 2018 and working with Akso Nobel to provide a once in a lifetime all-inclusive trip for their retailers to watch a Manchester United game at Old Trafford, while also touring around the region and seeing some wonderful local sights.
Please get in contact with us through the 'Contact us' page if you want to receive more information about travel packages or a quotation.